On Fri Apr  6 04:45:51 2007, Bill Fenner wrote:
On 4/5/07, John C Klensin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
... xml2rfc ends up with
symbolic references that look like
[I-D.rfc-editor-rfc2223bis] (one of the less unattractive ones)
or, potentially,
[I-D.draft-narten-iana-considerations-rfc2434-bis].  Those
things cause formatting problems, violate almost every known
style manual about forms for symbolic references, and so on.  If
our tools permitted us to use the forms that are recommended in
the rest of the world, such as "[Nart07a]" for the above, it
would be different.  But they don't permit doing so conveniently.

I wrote an xsl transform that does this.

I also wrote some XSLT preprocessors that people may (or may not) find useful.

First, I have a XSL transform that allows me to import references from the library using any symbolic name I feel like, by adding an element <dwdrfc-ref anchor="KEYWORDS" src="bibxml/reference.RFC.2119"/> - this one is handled by:


(Which also pulls in any <?rfc include=""?> files too, and strips away the metadata mentioned below).

Second, I have a reference checking XSL, which simply outputs a fairly self-explanatory XML document with any reference errors in. This one uses an additional attribute on xref elements to indicate Normative references, flagging references where any of the following is true:

a) There's an xref, but no anchor. (The target doesn't exist).
b) There's a reference, but no xref. (Unused reference).
c) There's a normative reference, but no xref with the dwdrfc-type attribute set to 'norm'. (Based on a suggestion from the xml2rfc list, I forget whose idea this was now).

This one is at:


Both use a non-DTD attribute rather than a namespaced one because otherwise xsltproc emits a namespace declaration even if I've stripped them out, which seemed to confuse xml2rfc, so I opted for the "hack that works" instead of a purist view. I make no claims that they work, or are good, but I find them useful and others are more than welcome to use them, or cherry-pick ideas. (And yes, no doubt the XSL is rubbish too).

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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