Paul Hoffman wrote:

> Why not? As long as the reader of the IANA registry can ascertain 
> which codepoint owner is at a particular level, how would that affect 
> interop?

Being able to ascertain what the level is isn't enough; you also 
need to know (and more importantly, care) about the differences 
in the levels :-)

I'd say there are lot of implementors who don't really care that
much for the distinctions between an individual Internet-Draft, 
a WG draft, an Experimental RFC, or Proposed Standard RFC.

But if only the latter two (or three) would have proper numbers 
in them (instead of TBD-BY-IANA), that would send a clear message
that "this not ready yet"... (but of course, this doesn't always
work; if there's strong enough pressure to implement, people
will "invent" some numbers there)

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