At 08:06 20-08-2007, John C Klensin wrote:
I was trying to suggest --obviously in too subtle a way-- that
the supposedly easy-to-deploy transport-based systems often
don't work well if there is more than one hop.  If that is
equivalent to what you say above, then so be it: the apparent
silliness of that statement may be just the point.

Transport-based systems may seem easy to deploy as you don't have to upgrade the MUAs out there. The other argument that server-side technologies can gain faster adoption if you take into account that most of the users interact with this simple protocol through a web interface. We still need to use a list to assess reputation when using transport-based systems. If we have to pass the assessment to MUA, we still face that question of MUA upgrades.

At 08:59 20-08-2007, Dave Crocker wrote:
By way of clarifying the point I was trying to make about path-registration
administrative overhead: It is easy to create the first record. By that
measure, the barrier to adoption for a 'sender' can be extremely low.  No new
software and maybe one or a few DNS records.  This is goodness.

The barrier of adoption for some senders may be low but it may be a hurdle to others if we take into account geographical boundaries or size of business. Unfortunately, we won't hear the voices of those facing the disconnect.


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