> >>>>> "Keith" == Keith Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     >> Fourth, lots of folks (me included) happen to find it
>     >> convenient to use NAT between my site/house/office and my
>     >> upstream provider.
>     Keith> do you also find it "convenient" that NAT has effectively
>     Keith> thwarted the deployment of huge numbers of new
>     Keith> applications, significantly raised the cost of deploying
>     Keith> others, and harmed the reliability of all applications?
> I find the tradeoffs work in favor of NAT; I expect this to be true
> both for V4 and V6.

        Try tftp booting two devices from behind a NAT w/o a tftp

        Yes this is a obscure case but is is a perfect example of
        why NAT is evil.  Things that just should work fail and
        there is no end user fix.

        With a plain firewall you can add rules to let the reply
        traffic through.

        With a NAT you have to choose which device gets to boot as
        you can't port forward both sets of replies.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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