Wearing my co-author of the Tao of the IETF hat...

At 11:53 PM +0100 9/10/07, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If the name of a draft contains ietf as the second component, or the
name of an IETF WG or the name of one of the IETF bodies (iab, irtf,
etc...) then it is a formal activity of the IETF.


"Almost always true..."

Otherwise it is not.

False. To be specific: true almost all the time, but not always. (And, yes, we muffed that in the Tao.) A draft with an indivual's name can be a WG document.

... because a document that has been adopted by a working group, and renamed with the working group name, can also be UNadopted by a working group, and there is no requirement to rename the document so that it doesn't "look like" a working group document. This happens most often when WGs are shutting down, but it does happen.

A draft-ietf-* filename means that At Some Point the document was adopted by a WG (or other IETF body), but does not mean that the document currently has that status.

Steve Coya and Jeff Schiller always stressed in WG chair training (in the late 1990s) that there was no relationship between a document name and whether it was a WG document or not. This was entirely controlled by a flag in a database somewhere (which is how the WG home pages are generated, and how the page generator knows that the draft is a working group draft even if it hasn't been renamed).

I know that did not change while Margaret Wasserman was doing the training, and did not change while I was doing the training (both solo, and with Paul). It had not changed as of a year ago, and if anyone has information that it has changed in the past year, please share it.



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