Hi All

Just an input about the NAT issue handled here. The 'war' against NAT is senseless before succeeding the one against IPv4. I mean, as far as the v4 protocol runs on our networks, NAT will remain as a useful tool for those who need it, of course for specific applications. In developing countries for example where IPv6 entry is very slow -add to a scarcity of IPv4 addresses- we are always using NAT, and are happy to do so as:

1- No enough IPv4 addresses

2-No need for the specific applications for those networks

3-No alternative solution currently 'in the hands'.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Hannes Tschofenig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Keith Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Stephen Sprunk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <ietf@ietf.org>; "Paul Hoffman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 9:11 PM
Subject: Re: IPv4 to IPv6 transition

Hi Keith,

Keith Moore wrote:
Most application protocols work just fine behind NAT. FTP works with
an ugly work-around. The main protocol that breaks down is SIP.

there are a couple of problems with this analysis:

one is that it considers only application protocols that are in
widespread use.  there are lots of applications that are used by limited
communities that are nevertheless important.


  and of course, since NATs
are so pervasive, most of the applications that are in widespread use
have been made to work with NAT (often at tremendous expense, and
reduced reliability).

Could you explain the tremendous expense a bit more?

another problem is that it only considers current applications.  a big
part of the problem with NAT is that it inhibits the
development/deployment of useful new applications.

As Phillip stated, I don't see the problem with future applications. Compare this with the security aspects that are taken care of much more than before when developing new applications NAT traversal is just another thing to think about as a protocol designer.



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