On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 07:09:54PM +0200, Norbert Bollow wrote:
> > And I would argue that the above issue is not a matter of concern to
> > the IETF.  Having a reference implementation to encourage adoption of
> > the spec, that is of IETF's concern.  The issue of GPL requirements
> > is, I would argue, Not Our Problem.
> Is it really your position that that is in no case a concern that IETF
> should consider???
> For an extreme example, consider hypothetically the case that an
> essential part of the IPv6 protocol stack had such a patent issue.

I was thinking mainly about protocols used by application programs.  I
agree that something essential needed for IPv6, that might be
something that an individual wg might want to consider.  But in terms
of a blanket policy that would apply to *ALL* IETF protocols?  That
would something that is really NOT an IETF-wide concern.

                                                - Ted

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