At 05:18 AM 10/30/2007, Eliot Lear wrote:
[I'm changing the subject and cutting off the references list as we seem
to have changed topic.]


> DS designates a mature standard.  If you read the requirements in RFC
> 2026 for a mature standard it is clear that few of the modern IETF
> protocols live up to that standard -- you need to demonstrate
> interoperability between two completely independent implementations of
> _all_ features in the protocol standard.

I think we can all agree that the calendaring standard is mature.  We
are in the process of doing what I would consider to be a relatively
minor update to it, and yet it is only PS.  IMAPv4 is only PS and yet
has MASSIVE deployment.  LDAP is only PS and is MASSIVELY deployed.

DHCP is the best (worse?) example of this, IMO. It's been DS (meaning at least 2 independent implementations) for how many years now (5, 6 or 8+ years)? It's (as you say) MASSIVELY deployed. Yet it isn't a Full STD. That one had always caused me to pause about how serious IETFers are really about 2026 processes...

is all over the place and it is only PS as well.  And so it's pretty
clear that nobody cares about DS or IS.

Actually some do care *AND* the IETF gets dinged on this one by those that aren't IETFers as not mature. These are the same (psst: idoits) that confuse Internet "Draft" with "Draft" Standard, somehow thinking each status is the same (...somehow).

What's more, why should they?
What benefit does it bring to anyone to advance a standard to DS?  AND
it's a whole lot of work.

So why are we even having an argument about what gets stuck into
requirements for DS?  Shouldn't we instead be eliminating it entirely?


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