Over here in Boston metropolitan area the much bigger concern is which provider 
can give you a reliable connection with acceptable speed. 
Since this thread started I have been forced to reboot my WiFi and cable box 
eight times as the Comcast connection goes down and causes the box to sulk. 
Part of this is due to the abysmal quality of the DHCP client and server code 
and the abysmal quality control on domestic WiFi routers which seem to all be 
designed to flake just over a year after they are deployed. I have tried every 
brand you can imagine and I have a large box full of ones that have gone off.
But the root cause here is the broadband connection flaking. I would switch to 
Verizon but reports suggest that it is no better.
Telling me that support for IPv6 should be a factor in making a choice between 
the two available providers is like telling one of the unfortunate occupants of 
East Germany that they should get a Ferrari instead of a Trabant.


From: Stephane Bortzmeyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 21/12/2007 3:50 AM
To: Peter Saint-Andre
Cc: ietf@ietf.org
Subject: Re: IPv4 Outage Planned for IETF 71 Plenary

On Thu, Dec 20, 2007 at 01:14:30PM -0700,
 Peter Saint-Andre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
 a message of 279 lines which said:

> This thread prompted me to ask one of my hosting providers about
> IPv6 support. I received the following long but entertaining reply,

It seems a good opportunity to consider a switch to another provider,
one less entertaining but more knowledgeable :-) One spending more
time on his network and less on showing the whole world his ignorance.

> Type a few out, and then check them for typos.

Among the many dummy things he mentions, this one is probably the best
:-) May be someone should tell him there are name resolution services
(and they existed even before the DNS)?

> The first thing I tried was to see if I could get some IPv6 transit.  I
> decided to ask Sprint about IPv6.

This one is a bad example :-)


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