Dear colleagues,

This is a reminder that the nomination period closes 9-January-08, 23:59
hours (UTC).

Please make sure you submit nominations by the deadline.

Best regards,

Patrick Vande Walle, Chair
ISOC 2008 Nominations Committee


This is a call for nominations for election to the Board of Trustees of
the Internet Society (ISOC). The Board of Trustees is ultimately
responsible for all aspects of the Internet Society, as outlined in the
ISOC by-laws which can be found at:

In 2008, two Trustees will be elected by the ISOC Organizational Members
and one by the ISOC Chapters.

In addition, one Trustee (the Standards Trustee) will be selected by the
Internet Architecture Board.

The new ISOC Trustees will be seated at the ISOC Board meeting in Paris,
 France, June 28th, 2008 and will serve three year terms, ending when
new ISOC Board members are seated in 2011.

The procedures for the selection of Trustees of the Internet Society can
be found at:

A profile of the current Board of Trustees can be found at:

The following Trustees' current terms will end in July 2008:

1.    Fred Baker - Standards Trustee - Term 2002-2008
2.    Daniel Karrenberg - elected by Org Members - Term 2005-2008
3.    Glenn Ricart - elected by Org Members - Term 2002-2008
4.    Alejandro Pisanty - elected by Chapters - Term 2007-2008

The ISOC Nominations Committee expects to choose a slate of at least
four well-qualified candidates to be voted on by the Organizational
Members and at least two well-qualified candidates to be voted on by
Chapter representatives.

Candidates for ISOC Trustee should have demonstrable involvement in the
Internet, particularly in the areas of standards, public policy or
education. Ideally, candidates should have understanding of technology,
policy, business/finance and economics.

The following qualifications are also highly desirable:

   - Organizational leadership capability
   - General business/financial skills
   - Not-for-profit experience
   - General knowledge of how the Internet works and of Internet related
   - The ability to identify relevant ISOC projects
   - Vision for the role of the Internet Society

ISOC is interested in broadly-based representation on the Board of
Trustees and seeks to identify candidates from industry, education,
not-for-profit or government. The selection criteria will include
regional location, current activities, relevant experience and
professional background.

Nominations should be sent to the Nominations Committee using the web
form at:

Anyone may submit a name to the Nominations Committee. Nominations
should be submitted no later than January 9, 2008 to ensure due
consideration of the nomination by the committee. Self-nominations,
agreed nominations and suggestions are all welcome.

Each nomination should be submitted separately, and should include:

   - the name of the nominated individual
   - contact information for the nominee (including, at minimum, an e-mail
     address and country of residence)
   - a brief explanation of why you believe that the nominee should be
     considered for an ISOC Board position.

Please indicate whether you consider the nominee a candidate to be elected
by the Organizational Members, the Chapters or both. Although Trustees are
selected by different constituencies, all Trustees serve the Internet
Society; they do not serve as delegates from the constituency which elected
or selected them.

Nominees will be contacted by the Nominations Committee and asked to provide
further information about their qualifications and about their ability and
willingness to serve on the ISOC Board of Trustees.

The slate of nominated candidates will be announced on February 6, 2008. At
that time, a petition period will begin and additional candidates for
election to the Board of Trustees may be nominated by the Organizational
Members and Chapters by petition.

The Election Committee will start the balloting for Organizational Members
and Chapters on March 31, 2008 and the final Election Day is scheduled for
April 28, 2008.

The 2008 Nominations Committee is composed as follows:


Patrick Vande Walle (ISOC chapter / Luxembourg)


1. Hiroshi Esaki (WIDE, Japan)
2. Desiree Miloshevic (Afilias, United Kingdom)
3. Michael R. Nelson (IBM, USA)
4. Sebastian Ricciardi (ISOC chapter, Argentina)
5. Adiel Akplogan (Afrinic, Mauritius)
6. Ian Peter (Ian Peter Associates, Australia)
7. Alan Levin (AfriDNS, South Africa)
8. Miriam Sapiro  (Summit Strategies International, USA)
9. Marc Blanchet (Viagenie, Canada)

The timetable of the ISOC 2008 Elections is as follows:
Call for Nominations 30-November-07
Nomination Period Closure 9-January-08, 23:59 hours (UTC)
Candidates Announced, Petition Period opens 06-February-08
Petition Period Closure 10-March-08, 23:59 hours (UTC)
Final Candidate Slate Announced  13-March-08
Ballot completed 24-March-08
Ballots Posted (e-mail)  31-March-08
Election 28-April-08
Certification of Election, Challenge Period opens  8-May-08
Challenge Period Closure 28-May-08, 23:59 hours (UTC)
Response to Challenges  17-June-08
New Trustees Seated 28-June-08


Patrick Vande Walle, Chair
ISOC 2008 Nominations Committee

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