Henrik Levkowetz skrev:
> On 2008-01-21 11:24 Stephane Bortzmeyer said the following:
>> On Sun, Jan 20, 2008 at 03:01:24AM -0800,
>>  Tony Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote  a message of 23 lines which said:
>>> Or, you can google IMAP and come up with 3501 straight away...
>> Bad idea. Not only it makes the RFC process depend on an external
>> organization, but it often fails for the reasons explained by the
>> OP. For instance, googling Sieve does not bring back RFC 5228...
> Submitting 'sieve' in the document search form on
> http://tools.ietf.org/html
> returns 3028 as the first result, and a link to the htmlized 3028
> which notes
> that it has been obsoleted by 5228.  (I'm surprised that the search
> results
> doesn't already include 5228, too, but I expect they will fairly soon). 
The sieve WG web page also doesn't list 5228 as a product, so I guess
some routine updates are on hold while the transition is taking place.


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