At Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:06:43 -0500,
John C Klensin wrote:
> --On Thursday, 07 February, 2008 09:28 +0200
> > John C Klensin wrote:
> > 
> >> For the second, it claims that the file isn't "plain text" and
> >> won't post it or even provide a manual submission path.  The
> >> file is output or xml2rfc, has proper CRLF line endings, and,
> >> if it contains any non-ASCII characters or serious format
> >> misbehavior, the online version of idnits can't find it, even
> >> in very verbose mode. [ #1799]
> > 
> > I also encountered this problem ( #1730), and after
> > some debugging, discovered what the problem was: the
> > submission tool uses the "file" program to check whether the
> > file is plain text or not, and (apparently) the "file" program
> > on the new servers behaves slightly differently from the old
> > one.
> > 
> > In particular, if you have the string "(if approved)" on your
> > cover page, some versions of "file" (at least some Linux
> > distributions) will identify your draft as "Lisp/Scheme
> > program text" instead of  just ASCII :-)
> <obscenity/>
> So we get a choice of either
>       * Not getting drafts posted  or
>       * Violating the IESG's instructions about how I-Ds that
>       are intended for standards track are laid out.
> Gee.
> Ray, while meeting site choices are ultimately judgment calls
> and about tradeoffs, this is unambiguously preventing work from
> getting done.   Today is Thursday and we've got a posting cutoff
> a week from Monday.

It's also worth noting that manually posted drafts (which is
what I fell back to after running into this bug) do not appear
to be showing up especially fast. draft-ietf-tls-rfc4346bis-09
was submitted after COB on Mon and isn't in the repository

Obviously, it's not a disaster if drafts which are postd
through exceptional paths take 2+ days to show up, but if
that's going to be the normal path, that's a little less

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