Ned Freed wrote:
> By all means do so if you want, but IMO it's a waste of time. It's like 
> that
> cautionary line finance folks use: Past performance is not a reliable
> indication of future results. Just because someone group of implementors 
> got it
> right (or wrong) in the past doesn't mean the next group won't get it 
> wrong (or
> right) this time. What such a query is effectively trying to do is to 
> prove a
> negative. Good luck with that.
> Again, the bottom line is that the potential for a screwup is there and 
> past
> experience tells us that the potential is sometimes, um, exploited, 
> sometimes
> not. And that's more than sufficient to warrant discussion of the issue  
> in the
> document.

Let me rephrase it then: as far as I know, there is no evidence 
whatsoever that using an HTTP based URI as an XML namespace name so far 
has caused excessive traffic.

I would argue that those who argue against their use will have to 
provide such evidence.

And yes, having the specification *warning* against automatic retrieval 
is always a good idea (see, for instance, 

BR, Julian
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