
At a minimum, the IPv6 effort last week providing essential experience for many 
of the participants.

But What did it provide for the IETF IPv6 community?

The wiki at


records source data. It's goodness, but it is not integrative and it is not 

Unless I've missed some other url, producing a summary assessment of last week 
currently rests with reporters.  I suggest that a serious experiment needs 
participants to produce experimental questions and to specify questions for 
future actions.

For example:

    For the deployment and success of IPv6, what is the current state of 

    What are the deficiencies that need to be remedied?

    What issues should be explored at future interoperability events?

    What other questions should be asked?

A good experiment has specific goals and produces specific information.  What 
was learned from last week?

By way of offering an exemplar and to provide a bit of counterpoint to the view 
that last week was boring and worked fine, I'll note that I could not contact 
any web sites from my Windows XP laptop.  I tried a number of times over the 
course of the experiment.  So my own experience was indeed boring, but not in 
the way any of us would wish.

When a user can turn on their production version of v6, in a network claiming 
support it, and it just works, then we can say things really are boring.  We 
know we are a long way from there.

What specific things are needed to get from here to there?

Let's treat this as a real community project with real deliverables.

And maybe even milestones?


   Dave Crocker
   Brandenburg InternetWorking
IETF mailing list

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