On 2008-04-15 00:35 Ned Freed said the following:
>> On 2008-04-14 23:11 Ned Freed said the following:

> I guess I should be flattered, but really, I fail to see why. Guaranteed 
> bypass
> of moderation is simply an allowed-poster whitelist. 

So it seems to me that you've failed to see the problem.

Anybody who considers themselves a valid poster is supposed to be able to
bypass moderation, challenge-response and spam-filtering.  This would also
include a spammer who considers himself a valid poster.  At the same time,
the IETF lists MUST provide spam control.  I see this as a contradiction in
the announced text.

In other words, if one is not already on a whitelist, how does one get on
to it, automatically, without moderation and challenge-response, while
spam-filtering is still provided?

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