I brought this up a number of times and Harald's solution was to ban me from 
the list. Something that under the US CFAA is prosecutable... His claim was 
that I failed to show him the money - that special case which establishes 
that as a standard.

OK Harald - the case you want to see is called "The United States v Drew" 
and was filed in the District Court of the Central District of California 
(i.e. LA). What it says is that any communications taking place between two 
parties across a State Line may constitute. I am sending you a copy of that 
indictment and the CFAA text under separate cover since its 1/2MB. How it 
plays out is that:

    1)    An act of Conspiracy under the terms of the Conspiracy Statute in 
the US is what happens when multiple people agree on something across an 
electronic transport whether in real-time or time-shifted in nature. The 
question is whether that is a conspiracy to hurt people or their rights in 
which case its an issue, or a conspiracy to get together for a dinner party 
which then would be totally cool one would think.

    2)    A violation of both civil and criminal statutes of the US Computer 
Fraud and Abuse Act (per the definition in section (a)(2)(B) of a 'Federal 
Interest Computer'.

Unfortunately this makes all of the covert negotiations for PR and other 
actions a crime in the US by my reading. Also one which the IETF and its 
Management including its chair and all AD's and WG Chairs are liable under. 
I think it also makes key parts of the IETF document/IP submission process 
possibly criminally prosecutable as well. Jorge - Any thoughts as the IETF's 

As to what to do about this - I suggest that its time for a set of lawyers 
who are not retained and paid by the IETF to formally review the IETF's 
processes for conflicts and flaws therein.

Todd Glassey CISM CIFI

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