John C Klensin wrote:

> hypothesize that, at some point, an RFC 2606bis might be created
> (and go through the consensus process to BCP) that offers special
> reserved names for newsgroups or mailing lists as well as domain
> names

JFTR, with respect to newsgroups that is already specified in

| The following <newsgroup-name>s are reserved and MUST NOT be used as
| the name of a newsgroup:
| o  Groups whose first (or only) <component> is "example"

The (unnumbered) NetNews standard does not go into details for
which purpose the "example"-names are reserved, but I think it
is obvious.  The plan was to discuss such details in a separate
NetNews BCP later if needed.

> a reasonable reader might have trouble figuring out whether
> the footnote/reference anchor was part of the IMAP syntax
> and example or not.

+1  A consistent footnote style can be fine in Web pages, PDFs,
and similar document formats, but it is unsuited for the ASCII
text/plain xml2rfc output format(s).  

In the case of ABNF a single space could turn a clear concept into 
incomprehensible gibberish if the RFC line length limits
don't agree with adding this space. 


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