
big problem others have been pointing to is that DISCUSSes are
not being used to say "here is a technical issue, for which any
solution acceptable to the community is fine", but are instead being
used to say "here is a technical issue, and here's what it would
take to satisfy me that it is resolved".  The second formulation
shortens easily in the minds of listeners to "satisfy me", and
when there is text presented, it becomes "add/change this as
below to remove my hold on your document".

Ack. I agree that this is a concern, and something that I forgot to put on my list.

Of course, as Joel and Brian pointed out, identifying this problem is not always as simple as looking at whether text came from the AD. Also, *if* you assume the Discuss was appropriate, presumably the resolution, whatever it is, has to satisfy some criteria so that the original problem goes away. If an AD is not happy about a particular text proposal, is it because the criteria was not met, or was it because he or she insisted on particular text? Obviously the former is appropriate and the latter is not. And how well were the criteria described? Many debates about resolutions involve either unclear criteria or disagreements about whether all criteria need to be fulfilled, more than the actual words in the resolution.

The statement above is offensive, Jari.  Blaming working groups
for exhaustion after a late surprise is insensitive

I'm sorry you found it offensive. I did not mean to be insensitive. If it helps, this item was on a long list of reasons why WG involvement isn't being handled as well as it should be. Not the biggest reason, or very commonly occurring one. (But I think I've seen a few cases where the author/WG was not interested in the particular way to resolve an issue, as long as it was resolved. Can't speak about why they were in that state.)

Many, if not most reasons on my list rest on the ADs and some on the shepherds. I blame myself for not doing a better job in involving the WGs and I plan to improve this for the documents that I sponsor.


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