> On Tue, Jul 08, 2008 at 10:18:25AM +1000, Mark Andrews wrote:
> > > That's at least as reliable as my (multi-dotted) home domain. :-)
> > >=20
> > > I'm not sure what's not to like here.  But then again, I may be blind.
> >=20
> >     The point is that it is NOT reliable.  Whether it works
> >     depends apon what names are matched in the search list.  It
> >     does work for some people some of the time.  It does not
> >     work for all of the world all of the time.  "hk" is not
> >     globally unique.
> That statement is also true for hk.com, ibm.com, google.com, or any
> other relative DNS name.
> The site-dependent interpretation of the name is determined not by the
> presence of dot within the name but its absence from the end.  "hk." is
> as global as "hk.com." with respect to the search list; "hk" and
> "hk.com" are both relative names and their resolution is resolver
> dependent.
> I don't buy "unreliable" as a diagnosis for that state of affairs.  "hk"
> operates exactly as any other DNS name with respect to search path.  An
> incautious user or clever DNS administrator can create a confusing state
> of affairs with or without the interior dot.
> (As Bill Manning hinted, there may be other parts of the resolution code
> that are less reliable for names without a dot in them.  That I might
> buy as an argument for unreliability).=20
> If you'd like to argue something more subjective like "confusing" or
> even "misleading," you'll find no resistance from me.
> --=20
> Ted Faber
> http://www.isi.edu/~faber           PGP: http://www.isi.edu/~faber/pubkeys.=
> asc
> Unexpected attachment on this mail? See http://www.isi.edu/~faber/FAQ.html#=

        The point of going to heirachical names (RFC 921) is to
        remove abmiguity.  "tld"s don't meet the definition of a
        heirachical name.

        It is time that tld operators stopped mis-using the zones
        they operate.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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