Russ Housley wrote:
> I do not think that an Internet-Draft is needed.

The source is already a variant of xml2rfc input, from
there it's easy to arrive at plain text output for the
ordinary diff tools.  

Adding version numbers for archiving working with the
diff tool could be as simple as "use name-NN.txt for
version NN".


> Russ
> At 11:40 AM 8/9/2008, Bert Wijnen \(IETF\) wrote:
> >>(1) Archive older versions in a plain text format as for    I-Ds 
> >>(for use with various IETF tools working on I-Ds)
> >
> >I can generate I-Ds if that helps. I can even submit those.
> >Russ, do you want me to do that?

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