Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,

I posted this as a posting series at the Unicode.org list and I am posting 
parts of the same here for your comments. 

.....Due to the ASCII character encoding being the core/monopoly and primarily 
basis to the internet/web infrastructure that has become the conventional 
starting point for subsequent Unicode and Punycode character encoded 
internet/web, this has brought usability and integration problems for a truly 
multilingual internet/web because presently you cannot have domain names that 
are multilingual, for example: japanese and english language mixed character 
domain names, hindi and english language mixed character domain names etc. 

Another example, there is not much browser / URL bar integration and usability 
innovation that allow for a non-ASCII language domain name to stay non-ASCII 
script on the browser / URL bar without it changing to Punycode.  

Thus there is a basic underlying problem that can only be rectified when all 
the languages get represented on the internet/web infrastructure and not only 
ASCII character encoded languages.  ASCII monopoly has not helped usability and 
integration for the internet/web and a Unicode approach is need.  Unicode has 
accomplished things at the non-internet computer ground and now it needs to 
expand at the internet/web ground.  Otherwise things are not equal between the 
ASCII and non-ASCII languages.  For example you are seeing Punycode and not the 
non-ASCII script for non-ASCII domain names on the browser / URL bars -- a 
solution for this example here could perhaps be to have even ASCII based domain 
names to be also Punycoded as a standard not just non-ASCII based domain names 
to be Punycoded, thus bringing equality.  When you get equality between the two 
then there will be browser / URL bar integration and usability innovation 
simultaneously between all the
 languages.  I put this to Tina Dam at ICANN, the person handling these issues 
and Paul Twomey, the ICANN President/CEO and Pamela Miller at PIR the .ORG 
registry a few months ago however there was not much progress with them.....  

.....Fyi, I said to the ICANN-family that they was nepotism because they were 
not showing equality when it cam to the multilingual internet/web.....Why 
should ASCII based internet/web always be the primarily and conventional way 
for the internet/web?  Non-ASCII languages should also become part of the 
internet/web infrastructure and Unicode.org and ICANN.org [and IETF.org] etc 
should make this a truly multilingual internet/web a reality.

I now move to another topic and this is to ask the list if it is possible to 
get a different alphabet shape (and code point) on the english/european Unicode 
Table group/s that can allow the option to replace a particular 
english/european unicode alphabet at both upper and lower cases if the user / 
viewer wish?  I can understand that there is not a precedent however would a 
public petition be the way?  Please say what the requirements and procedures 
are?  Also based upon this, please can someone say how ASCII can be altered 
also to accommodate this?.....

.....Specifically I would like to discuss the 11th letter of the 
english/european language, please view this posting with UTF-8. 

I would like users and viewers the option not to use the k and K shaped letters 
of the english/european languages for their english/european language usages 
and instead use another alphabet, lower and upper case क.  

There is a BBT font that does this and I state how via what someone mentioned:  
"English font where the glyph representing the English "k"(Unicode 0x004B and 
0x006B) has been replaced by a glyph representing the Hindi [I would say 
Devanagri] "ka"(0x0915)" [क].  

You can get the BBT font from here:  

The BBT font has both a lower and upper case equivalents for क.  The lower case 
क is not on the Unicode Table and thus does not have a code point.

Also when you use the unicode code point 0915 alphabet [क] on the internet/web, 
the output generated is not qualitatively exactly the same compared to what you 
see on the Unicode Table at Unicode.org, for example the left upper swirl on 
the devanagri alphabet क is not meeting the line, see 
This becomes more visible the more you magnify the browser view. 

Then when you try to use the devanagri alphabet क with the other 
english/european alphabets on a website, the line spacing is not equal, see 
http://www.geocities.com/linuxalinux/testingk.html and this becomes more 
visible the more you magnify the browser view.

Thus I would like to find out how a different alphabet (क) can be a given new 
code points and put on the english/european Unicode Table for usage by these 
languages?  This is obviously new and there is not any precedent thus would a 
public petition will be the only way for it to be considered and justified?  

Other further information is available from:



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