Lakshminath Dondeti wrote:
Hi Enrico, Vijay,

Thank you for the summary of what transpired after the Dublin
meeting. I appreciate you taking the time.

Lakshminath: No problem.  Thank you for your time and effort on

My reading at the BoF was that there were some concerns about this
work being done in haste without clearly understanding what it is
that we want to do and what it is that we need to do to address this
particular problem space (there were even suggestions to move some of
the work to the IRTF).

And since the BoF, much has changed to narrow the scope of the
charter down to more manageable pieces as well as establish a
channel with IRTF to move certain aspects of the work there
(as the timeline in my previous email indicated.)

My perception and my understanding of some of the dissenting opinions
was that some of those need to be worked out before creating a working group.

But I believe that we have done exactly that: the list has been
busy since Dublin on attempts to move the work forward in a manner
that is conducive to all participants.

Some of the disagreements here in this thread now, and the intent of
some of the folks to whitewash the issues raised do seem

I sincerely do not believe that we are trying to whitewash any
issues here.  It would seem an awful waste of time of the ADs,
IRTF chair and list participants to engage in detailed discussions
since the Dublin BoF if that were indeed the case.


- vijay
Vijay K. Gurbani, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
1960 Lucent Lane, Rm. 9C-533, Naperville, Illinois 60566 (USA)
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