[roughly 37 bajillion To: addresses removed]

On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, Dean Anderson wrote:
On Wed, 12 Nov 2008, David Romerstein wrote:

If they don't notice the dropped subscription, I'd say they're not
negatively impacted.

Hmm. Wonder if you'd say the same if it was your bank account, or your
house robbed: "Gee your honor, I waited and waited, and nobody noticed,
so it must be ok to take his money and possessions."

You do realize that, in this context, your 'argument' makes no sense, right?

The point is that, someday, long after the opportunity to participate
has passed, they find out they've been dropped.

I'm on many mailing lists. I participate in all of them. I am aware of the approximate volume of mail I get from them everyday, at least by orders of magnitude. If a list that normally sees 20-30 emails a day doesn't have any for a day, I'm likely to start investigating. That may make me unusual; based on my experiences blocking spam at A Large ISP several years ago, though, I suspect that I am not. People complain to their postmasters *vociferously* when expected mail is not received, and that shows that those emails have value to them.

-- D
Ietf mailing list

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