I have reviewed this document as part of the security directorate's ongoing effort to review all IETF documents being processed by the IESG. These comments were written primarily for the benefit of the security area directors. Document editors and WG chairs should treat these comments just like any other last call comments.

The security consideration section of this document is (in its entirety):
18. Security Considerations
DNSSEC [RFC 2535] should be used where the authenticity of information is important. Since DNS-SD is just a naming and usage convention for records in the existing DNS system, it has no specific additional security requirements over and above those that already apply to DNS queries and DNS updates.
I find this inadequate.

With regard to 'authenticity of information', the section doesn't discussion when authenticity of information might be important, nor does it discuss risks of relying on information in which the authenticity is not assured.

While it may well be true that this use of DNS has 'no specific additional security requirements', there are likely many DNS security issues which apply here and should be discussed here (possibly with reference to DNS specifications providing more general discussion of the security issues). In particular, this document recommends additional RRs be generated (section 13) but fails to discussion security implications and concerns with such generation.

There likely should be some discussion of considerations as when this very public discovery mechanism should be used, as opposed to a discovery mechanism which only provides discovery to authorized entities.

I think that portions of this document could be viewed as inappropriately supplanting per-protocol specifications of DNS SRV handling, and possibly RFC 2782 itself. I think the IANA registration would be better specified on the standard track, or in a BCP. I also think some of the market drivel (Section 21) should be removed.

I would much prefer this to be reworked as a update or replacement of RFC 2782.

I've read a number of reviews posted on the IETF list. I have general concerns similar to those posted by Dave Cridland and Ben Campbell. In short, this document seems to need more work.

-- Kurt
Ietf mailing list

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