On 25 nov 2008, at 23:10, Tony Hain wrote:

Iljitsch van Beijnum wrote:
But in any event, compared to the backflips through flaming hoops we
have to do in IPv4, the asking a remote server what our source address
looks like from the outside to make address based referrals work
doesn't seem too onerous. Or do you disagree?

Who do you ask??? Your note assumes there is only one 'outside', so any server could answer the question. There is absolutely no restriction on where and how topology warts are deployed, so asking a server in network A what your address will appear to be to network B is fundamentally absurd.

Well, the case where my externally visible address is different depending on who I talk to makes it fundamentally impossible to set up peer to peer connections if the other end is living with the same limitation, so we'd have to define this such that only a single translation is permitted at a time.

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