Keith Moore <> writes:

> Dave CROCKER wrote:
>> My assumption was that the IETF owned the work.  Pure and simple.
>> The IETF was free to do whatever the hell if felt like with the work and
>> I retained no rights.  Use it.  Give it to another group.  Kill it. 
>> Whatever.
> My understanding was that IETF had a non-exclusive, transferable license
> to my rights to the work as creator, including the right to make
> derivative works.  But that's not the same thing as IETF owning the work.

Right.  One reason RFC 5378 is drafted the way it is, is that the IETF
didn't used to have the right to sub-license contributions to others.

If contributors would have licensed all their contributions to "anyone"
instead of to the Trust, the problem would be reduced.  The second step
in solving the problem would be to allow contributions to contain
material with separate licenses, to allow for older IETF contributions.

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