On Sat, 2009-01-03, Dave CROCKER wrote:

>      RFC5322 models the world of memos.  Paper messages and other human 
> communications can be, and sometimes are, "from" multiple authors.  That's not
> just theory; it's real-world practice.  If the Internet's email format drops
> that construct from the only place in the message that provides a structured
> designation of authorship, how are legitimate occurrences of multiple authors 
> to
> be indicated?

Perhaps someone knows what the "Founders" (of email) conceptual models were
for a "message" (memo?) For instance, although I obviously do not understand
the "original intent" behind the "group of mailboxes" construct, I have long
wondered why the following is not valid:

   From: ACME Chief Officers:
           Alice <c...@acme.example.com>,
           Bob <c...@acme.example.com>;

There must have been *some* concept of email that dictated that a message
could be sent *to* a group but not *from* one!

Bill McQuillan <mcqui...@pobox.com>

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