-- On January 9, 2009 7:56:48 AM +0100 Eliot Lear <l...@cisco.com> wrote regarding meeting attendance & nomcom --

I suspect attendance at both will be
way down, but it's a hunch.  If others are in the same position, it
will lead to a potential problem with the NOMCOM, which is that the
pool of eligible volunteers may shrink to an unacceptably low number.

Do we have any recent data on how much of a problem this really is? Three times in the past we have had attendance statistics done and it has always been the case that the number of eligible volunteers does not change that much. The last time would have been before 2004, the last time the document was updated. I recall it always being less than 150 people for both the 2 out of 3 case and the 3 out of 5 case.

I think it would be very helpful to this discussion if we could get some statistics for the last 3 meetings such as the following.

How many people have attended:

  3 of the last 5 meetings
  4 of the last 5 meetings
  5 of the last 5 meetings

  3 of the last 6 meetings
  4 of the last 6 meetings
  5 of the last 6 meetings
  6 of the last 6 meetings

  3 of the last 7 meetings
  4 of the last 7 meetings
  5 of the last 7 meetings
  6 of the last 7 meetings
  7 of the last 7 meetings

If we had this for the last 3 meetings we should be able to see the beginnings of a trend, if there is one. And if there is one we'd have some data to consider when discussing what to change the 3 out of 5 rule to. Of course we might still want to broaden criteria as you suggest, but let's see which problem we have: not enough volunteers or not enough eligible volunteers.


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