On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 04:38:00PM -0800, Dave CROCKER wrote:
>   1. Permanently and irrevocably ban postings from any and all addresses 
> that Dean controls.  An organized attack warrants it.
>   2. Highten strictures on ietf list posting.  I'm not entirely clear 
> what level the current bar is set to, but we need to set it higher, to 
> reduce the ability to limit the ability of organized advocate groups to 
> disrupt the list.

I strongly concur with Dave on the first point, having long since
implemented those measures on resources I control.

I mostly concur with Dave on the second point, but it's not clear to me
how to achieve the (entirely sensible) goal while still allowing diverse
and occasionally dissenting opinions to be heard.  Might it be reasonable
(since this list is run by Mailman and the capability exists) for the
operators of the list to temporarily throw "moderate all" switch when
in their judgment the circumstances warrant it?

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