--On Friday, February 13, 2009 17:40 +0200 Jari Arkko
<jari.ar...@piuha.net> wrote:

> I don't have a problem with the number of messages. Deleting
> is easy. But I wouldn't mind stricter enforcement of the
> Subject lines...

If you wanted something that would work as well or better than
Subject lines, and that would actually make things easier if, as
is periodically the case, the discussion of a particular
document diverges into different subthreads, consider using
subaddresses that are different for, and unique to, each Last

Subaddresses are not as widely used and supported on the net as
some of us think they should be.  However, the usual comments
about dogfood-eating apply as, perhaps, does the observation
that anyone without sufficient clues to send a message to a
mailbox that uses a subaddress may be someone we, in fact, don't
need to hear from.


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