Brian E Carpenter wrote:
> Marc, and Henry,
> I think adding any new mandatory section to all I-Ds is a bad idea.
> It will quickly become bureaucratic. We've had proposals for mandatory
> Management Considerations, IPv6 Considerations, and no doubt others
> that I've forgotten, and they all have the same problem.

I agree that its sounds bad when presented like this.

The main motivation is to provide an incentive for early
implementations of a protocol, because I am convinced that this is a
very important factor on the quality of a protocol.  I had to
implement at least three times TURN from scratch during it's
development and this is an exhausting task.  This explain why a lot
of developers simply wait for the protocol to be stable (read: been
published as an RFC), and so deprive the protocol design of an
important feedback.  Giving to early implementers a guaranty that
their contributions will not be forgotten is a way to counterbalance
the time and effort spent in working on this contributions.

> However, I think it's a very good idea to offer *guidelines* for what
> should be in technical specifications in this area. In fact, my old
> commentary on RFC2026 talked about related issues concerning
> interoperability criteria for promotion to Draft Standard.
> See the comments on "4.1.2 Draft Standard" in
> Obviously, the first stage in interoperability is interoperability
> with yourself ;-).
> (As far as I am concerned, you are welcome to use any of that
> material under RFC5378 conditions.)
> I encourage your draft to become purely a set of guidelines.
> That would be useful and non-bureaucratic.
>     Brian
> On 2009-03-04 10:17, Marc Petit-Huguenin wrote:
>> I would like to bring to your attention this proposal to put back
>> running code at the center of Internet protocol design by adding a
>> new Considerations Section in future Internet-Drafts and RFCs:
>> Thanks.

Marc Petit-Huguenin
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