It's...sad that a lot of the men and women involved in making some of this countries greatest technological leaps are passing. Many of the men and women who put us on the moon are no longer alive. More and more of the men and women who helped build the bedrock of what became modern computing (including The Internet) are starting to pass as well.

--On March 7, 2009 7:24:58 AM +0000 Paul Vixie <> wrote:

i shared the news with some coworkers from DEC (where jim and i both
worked back in the early 1990's).  one of them said:

Wow, sorry to hear it.  Jim treated networking like he was still in 'Nam
and beauracracy was Charlie.  He always took the hill.

another added:

I would only add that "he never left any behind."

jim will be missed, both sorely and otherwise, by me and by many others.

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