The purpose of this message is to announce the start of a 30-day community
review period for a proposed revision to the IETF Trust's "Legal Provisions
Relating to IETF Documents" (TLP) policy.

The intended purpose of this TLP revision is to delete the hard requirement
for copyright boilerplate text to appear on the first page of every IETF
document. This is in response to recent suggestions from the community and
discussion amongst the Trustees.

The details of the proposed revision to the TLP are as follows:

- delete the requirement that copyright text must appear on the first page
  of every new IETF Document, 
- add text to say the IESG will specify where copyright and other legal  
  boilerplate text should appear in Internet Drafts, and
- add text that the RFC Editor will specify the manner and location of 
  copyright text for RFCs

The new text is for the start of Section 6 in the TLP document.  The
proposed text is as follows:

  6.    Text To Be Included in IETF Documents.  The following text 
  must be included in each IETF Document so as to give reasonable
  notice of the claim of copyright. The IESG shall specify the
  manner and location of such text for Internet Drafts.  The
  RFC Editor shall specify the manner and location of such text
  for RFCs.

A marked-up version of the TLP document is available on the IETF Trust
website under the heading:
 "Draft Policies and Procedures for IETF Documents" at 

Please accept this message as a formal request by the IETF Trustees for your
review and feedback on the proposed revision to the TLP document.  Today
marks the beginning of a 30-day community review period.

I expect the Trustees will appreciate all comments and suggestion received
during this review period, and then decide on whether to adopt this revision
shortly after April 15th, 2009.

Regards, and Thanks in advance,

Ed Juskevicius
IETF Trust Chair 

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