On Apr 14, 2009, at 20:38 , Bruce Lowekamp wrote:

> Many of the NATs out there you
> can not make this determination without multiple IP addresses behind the
> NAT.

So you're right that you can test for a few more bizarre NAT behaviors
with multiple IP addresses, but I haven't seen any evidence suggesting
those behaviors are present in most NATs.

In draft-jennings-behave-test-results-04.txt (google it, it's expired), you will note all the NATs where the Sec behavior is different than Prim behavior in the results table are NATs where you need more than one IP to characterize them. This includes NATs from Airlink, Cisco, Linksys, SMC, and Toshiba. Other unpublished testing has revealed it is many NATs from other vendors also work this way.


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