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On 9/15/09 9:37 AM, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> John C Klensin <john-i...@jck.com> writes:
>>> For highest interoperability the document could do MUST use
>>> UTF-8 and MUST use SASLprep.  I understand that some people
>>> will not implement SASLprep, and I agree with them that there
>>> are valid reasons for not implementing SASLprep (such as it
>>> being based on obsolete Unicode versions), so I would be
>>> equally happy with MUST use UTF-8 and SHOULD use SASLprep.  I
>>> don't think the requirement on SASLprep can be relaxed further
>>> without breaking the requirements in RFC 4422.  Personally, in
>>> the long term I would prefer to deprecate SASLprep in favor of
>>> Net-UTF-8 (i.e., RFC 5198) for use in SASL applications.  I
>>> believe "SHOULD use SASLprep" in SCRAM is a reasonable
>>> trade-off considering these factors.
>> For whatever it is worth, I agree with this analysis.  I'm not
>> sure that RFC 5198 is an adequate substitute for SASLprep, but
>> it is far better than unrestricted UTF-8 (which, IMO, we should
>> no longer be recommending in any protocol that requires
>> comparison of strings).
> Yes, agreed.
>> Because of the unrestricted UTF-8 problem, and without taking a
>> position on deprecating SASLprep, my inclination would be to
>> strengthen Simon's proposed requirement a bit to "MUST use UTF-8
>> and SHOULD use SASLprep or at least Net-UTF-8" or its
>> equivalent.
> I share Kurt's concern that this opens up for several classes of
> implementations that may not interoperate well.
>> Alternately, I believe that any string that would successfully
>> come out of SASLprep would conform to Net-UTF-8, i.e., that the
>> set of valid SASLprep strings is a proper subset of the set of
>> valid Net-UTF-8 strings.   If that were true -- and someone with
>> significant Unicode normalization and SASLprep
>> knowledge/experience would need to verify it-- then "MUST use
>> Net-UTF-8 [RFC 5198] and SHOULD use SASLprep" would be an even
>> better formulation (perhaps with a note about that subset
>> relationship).
> Something along those lines may work, but I think there are serious
> risks to get the details wrong with a quick fix like that here.  If
> someone has time to study your question that would be useful input
> nonetheless.
> Pending something more baked than SASLprep and Net-UTF-8-in-SASL, I
> continue to believe that "MUST UTF-8 and SHOULD SASLprep" is a
> reasonable compromise.
> Finally, I strongly believe that deferring publication of SCRAM
> significantly to address this issue in a more thorough way does more
> harm than good.  The state-of-the-art SASL mechanism today either
> transfer passwords to servers without hashing them first, or they use
> MD5 for the hash, and neither is acceptable.  If we don't publish SCRAM,
> the SASL framework will be unusable for new protocols.

I agree on all counts. We would dearly like to specify SCRAM as MTI in
draft-ietf-xmpp-3920bis (to replace DIGEST-MD5 from RFC 3920). And this
time we'd like truly interoperable implementations, which we have a hope
of with "MUST UTF-8 and SHOULD SASLprep" but not with "MUST Net-UTF-8
and SHOULD SASLprep".


- --
Peter Saint-Andre

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