John C Klensin wrote:

> The difference between (1) and (2) is less significant in practice
> because, while there are many important exceptions (with those East
> Asian width variants probably heading the list), the vast majority
> of compatibility characters are very hard to type in most
> environments. And that was really the point I was trying to make.

Adding one data point here: While I have no idea how to type East
Asian width variants on my keyboard (normal Finnish/Swedish layout),
my keyboard does have three characters where NFC!=NFKC (so using any
of them in my password would be impossible if some SCRAM implementations 
use NFKC and some NFC):

Vulgar Fraction One Half (U+00BD)
Acute Accent (U+00B4)
Diaeresis (U+00A8)

Looking, it seems the
Finnish/Swedish layout is not special in any way, and many other
European keyboards would also have some small number of characters 
where NFC!=NFKC.

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