At 02:17 PM 9/23/2009, Ole Jacobsen wrote:
>BUT I am at a loss 
>to understand why such a statement would be a required part of our 
>technical discussion. 

And I'm at a loss to understand why censoring such a statement (or ejecting an 
individual who says it, or terminating the IETF meeting in which is was said) 
should be a required part of an IETF meeting?

This isn't a China issue per se - this is about what we expect from and for 
ourselves in the context of the IETF.  We have a way of interacting that - 
while not pretty - mostly works.  It's unclear to me why we should accept 
restrictions on that way of interacting that are imposed from without.  If your 
answer is - "because there's some benefit to the IETF" - I would then ask what 
else should we be willing to give up for other benefits and where should we 
draw the line?

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