
Just want to make sure I understand this response fully.

On Sep 24, 2009, at 12:05 AM, Ole Jacobsen wrote:

There is absolutely NO intention or requirement to have any approval
process for agendas or materials by a third party for this (proposed)

The question about approval was generated based on this part of the contract that Marshall originally quoted:

"Should the contents of the Group's activities, visual or audio
presentations at the conference,or printed materials used at the
conference (which are within the control of the Client) contain
any defamation against the Government of the People's Republic
of China, or show any disrespect to the Chinese culture, or
violates any laws of the People's Republic of China or feature
any topics regarding human rights or religion without prior
approval from the Government of the People's Republic of China,
the Hotel reserves the right to terminate the event on the spot
and/or ask the person(s) who initiates or participates in any or
all of the above action to leave the hotel premises immediately.

Does your above response mean that the host would not consider slides and oral presentations made during working group sessions to be part of "the Group's activities, visual or audio presentations at the conference"? Or does your response mean that the host is going to take the risk of having the event terminated for reasons having to do with slide or presentation content that was not pre-approved by the government? Or does it mean that you do not think that the content of working group sessions falls under the category of "topics regarding human rights"?

Thanks much.

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