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Hi, all,

I've reviewed this document as part of the transport area
directorate's ongoing effort to review key IETF documents. These
comments were written primarily for the transport area directors, but
are copied to the document's authors for their information and to
allow them to address any issues raised. The authors should consider
this review together with any other last-call comments they
receive. Please always CC tsv-...@ietf.org if you reply to or forward
this review.

The primary purpose of the document is to extend fast handover (FMIPv6)
[RFC5568] for Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) [RFC3775] to support proxy Mobile IPv6
(PMIPv6) [RFC5213], resulting in fast proxy Mobile IPv6 (FPMIPv6). This
review does not consider the transport implications or effects of these
previous protocols, but focuses only on any differences introduced by
the fast proxy variant (FPMIPv6).

FM [RFC5568] has a transition diagram involving three nodes: MN, PAR,
and NAR. PM [RFC5213] has a transition diagram involving four nodes: MN,
p-MAG, LMA, and n-MAG. The proposed FMP solution uses six nodes - MN,
P-AN, N-AN, PMAG/PAR, NMAG/NAR, and LMA. It's difficult to understand
how the additional cascading transactions between these nodes can occur
without substantial impact to handover delay of some sort, but because
the transitions are intended to occur in advance of an imminent handover
these delays should not cause a substantial problem.

Overall, I don't see a reason to doubt that this protocol impacts
transport protocols less than PMIPv6. Issues of tunneling, e.g., impact
to MTU, path MTU discovery, fragmentation or reassembly issues, would be
the same as in PMIPv6. The same is true to impacts of path properties
that affect transports, such as RTT, MTU size, or bandwidth.

One other comment:

Section 4 begins as if in the middle of a discussion. It would be useful
to revise this to provide some context before just jumping in.


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