Hi -

> From: "John C Klensin" <john-i...@jck.com>
> To: "Stanislav Shalunov" <shalu...@bittorrent.com>; <ietf@ietf.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 9:43 AM
> Subject: Re: Fix the Friday attendance bug: make the technicalplenary the 
> last IETF session, like it was before
> Also keep in mind that, as the IETF becomes more international,
> Friday is part of the (religious as well as secular) weekend for
> some cultures and that the religious weekend starts late Friday
> afternoon for others.   I think there are reasonable odds that
> the problems with Friday meetings --especially those that run
> into the afternoon -- are going to get worse over time, no
> matter what the IETF does.

<rant> I'm soooo tired of this line of argumentation.  Sunday is
part of the (religious as well as secular) weekend for some cultures,
too.  We've dealt with (or ignored) this reality for decades.  If we're
going to trample on sensitivities, we may as well be equal-opportunity
about it. </rant>


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