Olaf Kolkman wrote:
During previous technical sessions I mailed an announcement about the technical 
plenary and in those announcements I've asked something along the lines of:

If you consider asking a question during the open-microphone session it
would be helpful to send that question to the IAB<i...@iab.org> in advance.
In that way we may be able to think about the problem and answer your
question effectively. Note that sending in a question is _not_ a
requirement for asking one.

I believe that submitting questions in advance will help to get concise 
questions asked (because some thought went into phrasing them) and get pointed 
answers (because some thought went into answering them). In fact the questions 
may be shared by the larger group and not just the individual opinions of the 
folk that are happen to be on stage.
Perhaps we should look into http://moderator.appspot.com/ ?
FWIW, in the sessions I had asked this questions nobody walked up during the 
microphone. I just forgot to add the paragraph in this weeks announcement.


Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
Science Park 140, http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/ 1098 XG Amsterdam

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