The WG/IDNABIS work being conducted on IDNA2008 (i.e. the new standard for
Internationalized Domain Names) is now completed. As committed, the IUCG
plans to publish an "IDNA2010 Best Usage Document" in order to explain to
users how to best take advantage from the IDNA proposition and extensions.

The WG text has been reviewed by the IETF/LC. Now, it has to be accepted by
the IESG and should have then been deployed via several projects in the
coming months. However, competition between these projects has already

The moderated mailing list created to that end has
therefore been activated.

We know that this matter is rather sensible. Therefore, the list is
tyrannically moderated by its facilitator. Only technically worthy, and
polite, contributions will be accepted.

The target is not to publish an RFC that would standardize or recommend a
practice. It is rather to document the different options that users may have
and how they may use them. This will be the first time that such a
multiconsensual document will be worked on at IUCG.

We, therefore, expect the form of this work to also be experimental.

The background is the following:

   * in a network architecture, multilingualization belongs to the
presentation layer.
   * the Internet has no documented presentation layer.
   * yet the IDNA2008 proposition, even if not perfect, makes a lot of sense
and builds on the IDNA2003 operational experience of half a billion users.
   * hence, the Internet presentation layer is underlying the IDNA2008

Therefore, the target is:

   1. to uncover and document the Internet presentation layer.
   2. to document IDNA within that presentation layer.
   3. to explore the new possibilities offered by the presentation layer to
IDNA and the Internet.

This will be carried out in relation with the parallel work and testing
being conducted on the Interplus usage architecture and ML-DNS pile. The
only, but very strict, constraint that is imposed on this work is the full
respect, down to the code, of the current Internet and a total transparence
and neutrality to its end to end processes and services. The target is to
use the Internet better.

Multilinguistics is understood as the cybernetics of linguistic diversity.
Multilingualization is understood as the multilinguistic function that is
able to technically support an equal and neutral empowerment of every
language and script. Neutrality is taken as being transparent to the
technological, operational, and contextual, partial or complete, changes on
the end to end path.

Universalization is essentially independence from languages and scripts.

Globalization is the internationalization of the media, localization of the
ends, and langtagization of the content.

Internationalization is the reduction of the linguistic bias down to the
minimum that is permitted by the underlying language.

Along the international usages, contributions will be accepted in the main
languages, as soon as a moderator or a sergeant at arms has been designated
for that respective language and, initially, in English and French.

The convener and initial facilitator of this list is Jean-Michel Bernier de

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