On 2009-12-22, at 04:57, John C Klensin wrote:

> Let me say this a little more strongly.  This proposal
> effectively modifies RFC 5321 for one particular domain name at
> the same time that it effectively (see notes by others)
> advocates against coding the relevant domain name into anything
> or treating it in a special way.  That combination doesn't seem
> to me to work.

If that's the consensus of SMTP experts, then I would be more than happy to rip 
that example out (or the whole section, to be honest). I was quite enthusiastic 
about the previous revision's conscious decision not to include examples at all.

Incidentally, the "other stories" remark in the subject line was a reference to 
the fact that the document instantiates a registry which can be used by others 
to document particular characteristics of records in the ARPA zone. It wasn't 
intended to refer to the examples section (which, as I mentioned, was added 
only recently).


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