On Dec 22, 2009, at 8:39 PM, Dave CROCKER wrote:

> Brian,
> This seems worth being a bit pedantic about, to make sure we all share the 
> same understanding:  I take your interpretation to mean that the RFC Editor 
> can, on their own initiative, fix the problem(s) that Julan has raised and 
> that it does not require changes to the about-to-be-published document.
> Is that correct?  Do others agree?  (I hope so.)

FWIW, I do. As long as those changes are stylistic, editorial, and not so 
substantive that they cause the various streams to be uneasy with those changes.

And in reply to Brian:
> Maybe we^H^Hthe IAB should have aimed at full delegation of the boilerplate,
> exactly as for the Trust-maintained boilerplate.

That is what I intended with:  I believe that in the future such efforts should 
be pulled by the RSE, with IAB oversight and not by the IAB with RFC-Editor 

--Olaf (personal title)

> d/
> On 12/22/2009 11:23 AM, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>>> FWIW, the document allows the RFC editor  some headway in maintaining the 
>>> language in the style guide.
> ...
>> For now, there are indeed weasel words such as:
>>   "However, this is not
>>    intended to specify a single, static format.  Details of formatting
>>    are decided by the RFC Editor."
>>   "These paragraphs will need to be
>>    defined and maintained as part of RFC stream definitions.  Initial
>>    text, for current streams, is provided below."
>> I think this gives the RSE, in conjunction with the tools maintainers,
>> reasonable flexibility.
> -- 
>  Dave Crocker
>  Brandenburg InternetWorking
>  bbiw.net


Olaf M. Kolkman                        NLnet Labs
                                       Science Park 140, 
http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/               1098 XG Amsterdam

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