On 01/06/2010 08:21 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
Russ Housley wrote:
Marshall Rose has lead the development effort for xml2rfc for many years. Many thanks to him and the other folks that have offered their help as well. As you can see from the message below, Marshall is ready to pass the reigns to another volunteer. If another volunterr is not found, then the amount of hand editing that will be required to make effective use of xml2rfc will increase over time.

A volunteer or group of volunteers is needed to take over the maintenance of xml2rfc. Please let Marshall Rose and myself know if you are interested in this activity.


Clarifying... What's needed are volunteers for:

(i) the web service (xml.resource.org, online conversion, references), or an exit strategy for that

(ii) the vocabulary (xml2rfc mailing list?)

(iii) the TCL-based XML to TXT conversion, currently xml2rfc.tcl. There's a choice between iiia), maintaining the current code, and iiib) rewriting in a more mainstream language. iiib) might make more sense in the mid-term future.

I'll keep maintaining rfc2629.xslt, but that's only partly helpful, as long as we don't move away from TXT/ASCII as publication format.

I would also ask who adds non-ietf xml references to xml.resource.org/public/rfc/bibxml2/?

For example I have one for IEEE 802.15.4 that I built and am running from my own server for now, as I don't know how/who to get this added.

And perhaps if there is a process, we can get IEEE to directly maintain their own references.

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