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I would consider being the go-between for the routing area.



IETF Chair wrote:
> I have just formed the Smart Power Directorate.  Information about the
> Directorate can be found here:
>    http://www.ietf.org/iesg/directorate/smart-power.html
> The Smart Power Directorate will provide review and coordination on the
> use of Internet protocols to provide smart grid communications. The goal
> is to point other organizations to relevant IETF documents and provide
> review of documents from other organizations that depend upon Internet
> protocols. If the directorate identifies a gap that requires new work in
> the IETF, the directorate will raise the issue with the IESG. That is, the
> directorate will not develop new protocols or enhance existing ones. This
> review and coordination will require expertise from all of the Areas in
> the IETF.
> Fred Baker as the liaison to the US Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
> (SGIP) will play a significant role for the Directorate.  In addition, I
> am still in the process of gathering people to represent each of the IETF
> Areas.  I would like to see a non-IESG member loosely representing each
> IETF Area.  Representatives have been identified for the General,
> Internet, and Routing Areas.  If you would like to be considered for one
> of the other Areas, please contact the Area Director for that Area.
> Russ Housley
> General Area Director
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