Abhishek Verma allegedly wrote on 01/21/2010 19:57 EST:
> Assume that i have a nifty idea on how i can speed up, lets say, a
> database exchange in OSPF. My doubt is that why should i submit an
> IETF draft describing this, which can later become an RFC, when i can
> very well patent this idea? I understand that if i submit this to
> IETF, then there will be an RFC and all vendors will come out with
> inter-operable implementations. However, if i dont give it to IETF and
> rather submit a patent, i can do very well for the vendor that i work
> for. All customers using this vendor's boxes will now have access to
> patented database exchange in OSPF, which will effectively mean more
> business for this vendor.
> So, the question is, what is the motivation for somebody to write an
> internet-draft when the person can file a patent?

These are not mutually exclusive.  You can patent your idea for various
reasons.  You can write a draft to describe it.

However, if you want others to adopt your idea and interoperate with it
(and network operators really do like equipment that interoperates), you
need to provide reasonable licensing terms, if you require a license at
all.  Trying to make money off patents is not easy unless you are
already making money off your equipment sales.

Dean Willis allegedly wrote on 01/22/2010 02:56 EST:
> As somebody who makes a living explaining patents to people who feel
> threatened by an infringement suit, the simple fact is that the IETF is
> appallingly (and blissfully) ignorant of the vast number of patents that
> are filed relating to our RFCs. In general, we do not discover that
> there is critical IPR until well after the  protocol is published, then
> we get mad about it.

I expect them, but I do get mad about patent trolls "bleeding the golden
goose".  The only reason these patents have any value is because the
Internet has value.  When people who contribute nothing to that value
then come along and parasitize it,

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