This is an update of my review of draft-ietf-ccamp-pc-spc-rsvpte-ext-06, based 
on the newly released version 07.

Updated Summary: Ready for publication. (I said draft standard the first 
time-but this is intended as a proposed standard, right?)

Major Issues: None
Minor Issues: None

Nits/editorial comments:

> -- Abstract, first paragraph, first sentence:
> I can't parse first part of sentence. Should "… connections are controlled …" 
> be "…connections controlled…"? 

No change--I still can't parse the first part of the sentence. Maybe the phrase 
"may independently exist" is the problem?
> -- 2nd paragraph:
> I don't see any mention of PathTear in

I think I meant to say the first paragraph, not the second. But I still don't 
see the term "PathTear" mentioned in

> -- section 7.1:
> Is this intended to recommend IANA choose 25?

No change. You say the bit number is (TBD by IANA) (25). Is the 25 a 
recommendation? (in which case, "(TBD by IANA, 25 preferred)" would be helpful.

> -- section 7.2:
> Do you mean to recommend a code of 35?

No change--same as above.



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