On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 06:48:37PM +0000, Tony Finch wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Feb 2010, Phillip Hallam-Baker wrote:
> > One mechanism that was unfortunately pushed asside as a result of the
> > fixation on end to end DNSSEC would be to for the resolver to use
> > DNSSEC (and other methods) to authenticate the data it receives and to
> > use some modification of TSIG to authenticate the communication
> > between client and resolver.
> I don't think that has been pushed aside. There's not much interest in it
> at the moment because the focus is on authoritative-to-recursive DNSSEC.
> Maybe attention will turn to recursive-to-stub security once there is more
> assurance that the recursive server's answers are authentic.

There is also the camp that thinks that stubs should do validation

> > It would not take a great deal of effort to graft a Kerberos like scheme
> > on to effect key exchange.
> Or use SIG(0).
> Tony.

Yeah, I kinda like SIG(0) myself.

If you want to use Kerberos for symmetric key management, there
is GSS-TSIG. But there is a bootstrapping problem -- Kerberos
clients commonly use DNS SRV records to locate Kerberos servers.

Most stub resolvers can't do any of this today (HMAC-MD5/SHAxxx 
TSIG, GSS-TSIG, SIG(0), etc) as far as I can tell.

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