At 1:10 PM +1300 3/18/10, Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>Ah, yes, Paul is quite correct. My implicit assumption was
>that such keywords would be added to an IANA registry only
>in as far as they echo IETF standards track documents (including
>the deprecation or obsolescence of such documents). Of course,
>IANA itself cannot add normative requirements - only an IETF
>standards action can do that.

But even then, there are problems. Most IANA registries can apply to more than 
one RFC. If Registry A is created by RFC X, and RFC X is updated by RFC Y, 
everyone understands that the registry applies to both RFC X and RFC Y. But if 
Y introduces different "mandatoryness", what does it mean for compliance to RFC 
X? Does one clone Registry A into Ax and Ay?

The basic idea of this draft puts the compliance wording in IANA registries 
instead of in the RFCs themselves. This is fine for single-RFC registries, but 
falls apart completely for registries that apply to more than one. There is no 
need for this: let RFCs continue to define compliance to the RFC.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--VPN Consortium
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